Sabtu, 12 Januari 2013

What to Look For When Choosing A HIPAA Training Program: 4 Points

If you are working in the healthcare field, and specially dealing directly with patient health records, it is advisable to join a HIPAA training program. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996 governs the use, storage, and sharing of the health records in healthcare organizations and other facilities.

Once you decide you want to enrol in the training, it is important to find a suitable program.

Here are four important things to look for when choosing a HIPAA training program.

• There are various kinds of HIPAA trainings. The first step is to decide which one is most suited to your job requirements. If your work deals with working with HIPAA guidelines in general, you can join the general HIPAA awareness course. If you deal with specific fields like administration, security, and privacy then you can opt for the more detailed courses.

• Next you should consider the options between a classroom-based course and an online course. A classroom-based training program will be more interactive and planned and you can clear your questions and doubts immediately by asking the trainer. Also, when you learn with a group of people, you share and get ideas from everyone, which is very helpful. However, you cannot think of classroom training if you don't have ample time. On the other hand, if you work on a full-time basis and find it difficult to take time out for a class, then the online program will be beneficial for you. You can complete your course at home at any time that is suitable for you. You can also opt for online courses where there is a trainer available always for discussion. Then you can sit and talk o the trainer live. Both these training methods have plus and minus points; therefore, you must choose the one that is suitable to your personal needs.

• Choosing the right training institute is also very important. You must make sure the institute you choose is reputed and accredited. Other than general teaching classes, they must also have correct amounts of theory and practical classes. They must incorporate tests in the schedule to prepare you well. If you have got your training from a reputed institute, it will give you more credibility in the eyes of your employer. If you have opted for online training, a thorough background check of the institute is required as there have been scams in the past.

• There are a few other things you must check up on, for e.g. the syllabus, frequency of exams, etc. You should find out if they conduct refresher courses at regular intervals to keep you informed of any modifications and additions in the HIPAA guidelines. There must also be a facility for you to renew your certification when it expires after the stated number of years.

Once you know what exactly to look for in a HIPAA training program, you can go ahead and find one that is suitable to your requirements, and enroll yourself.

For more information, please visit our HIPAA Training website.

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